Peace for Paris

The events in Paris on Friday were horrific, inhumane, and driven by hate. In spite of all that, the world immediately came together with an outpouring of love, support, and humanity. All over different media outlets including, news broadcasts, entertainment shows, and social media, people continue to use their public platforms to offer their support as we all try to make sense of something so insensible. President Obama expressed in a press conderence that the U.S. would stand in solidarity with France, stating, "This is an attack not just on Paris, it's an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share." The Dean's List would like to publicly offer their love and support to all who were directly affected by the Paris attacks. Through love, kindness, respect, and a number of other positive attributes, we can all move forward, together.

If you would like to show further support for Paris, below are some organizations accepting donations:
In both the U.S. and France, people are using social media to open their homes to stranded tourists or people in need. Use the #StrandedinUS to either open your home to stranded French tourists or find places to stay if you cannot make it home. The #PorteOuverte has been used since Friday and is another way to notify people in France that you are providing shelter for anyone stranded. Spread the word on ways to help and may we all support one another and continue working toward peace for humanity.