I am devoted to changing the conversation and empowering women
Our #WCW for this week is Kristen Robinson, Miss Florida 2016. She says that before she leaves this Earth, she wants to leave her mark. "I am a Christ-follower, womanist, dreamer and fashionista prepared to live out my destiny."
1. What's your story? What makes you unique?
Hmm.. My story is that I am a woman chasing after something and I've been this way since as far back as I can remember. When I was younger I was a track star so I chased after finish lines. In high school I was determined to be an actress, so I chased after roles going on tons of auditions. I believe that because I know and accept that my journey is ongoing and I chase after my destiny rather than waiting for it to come to me it makes me unique.
2. What motivates you?
I'm motivated by a feeling of satisfaction that I am constantly after. It certainly varies from goal to goal where the moment of satisfaction lies but when I get there I know and I smile. On a daily whatever task I take on, I'm after that feeling of euphoria.
3. Who is a hero of yours?
Michelle Obama is one of my sheros I love her story and I admire the way she is authoritative and supportive all at the same time. She is superwoman in my eyes for all that she has accomplished. Though I've never met her, but I hope to one day, I can tell that she is one of the most genuine women on this planet.
4. Give us a road map of your career. How did you get to where you are today?
My career roadmap took a huge sharp turn when I graduated college because I didn't want to pursue the career path that followed my degree and what I had studied in college. I knew that I wanted to enter corporate America and find my footing to become a corporate executive and that's how I ended up in my current position.
5. What's your future plan? Your goals?
My future plans are to enter grad school next spring and make yet another sharp turn in my career roadmap that will ultimately place me on a path to become a marketing and communications executive. If that's not enough for me, I would also love to own my own business as an image consultant.
6. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?
Meditate daily and take in your surroundings. It is important to pay attention to where you are and be present in every moment because time is passing rapidly making the moments you have with loved ones is sacred. So cherish them and cherish the moments you have to self reflect.
7. What is something you feel strongly about (a cause, belief, etc.)?
I'm a Womanist and I am devoted to empowering other women. As an adult I can feel my voice being silenced in the workplace and in social settings and I know that I am not the only woman who feels that way, some women go through way worse struggles where they are silenced and stereotyped. So I am devoted to changing the conversation and empowering women to yell at the top of their lungs and defy the odds set against them.
8. What's one of the coolest things you've ever done?
I think one of the coolest things I've ever done was lobby legislators about amending sexual health curriculums in schools. It was from that experience that I found my voice to speak out against things I knew were wrong. I also learned so much more about gender identities, sexual health, and well being. From that experience alone, I feel that I grew as a person.
9. Anything we haven't asked that you'd like to talk about.
No, I think we covered it. I just wanted to thank you so much for thinking enough of me to allow me to share my story with your readers. I also ask that all of you root me on as I go on to compete for the title of Miss United States #FloridafortheCrown #GoDawgs :)
If you'd like to show your support for Kristen in all the amazing things she does, check her out below!
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