Do what you can and don’t worry about the rest.
Stephanie Pham is an analyst at Porter Novelli, a global public relations firm with over 90 offices in nearly 60 countries. When she’s not working, she’s likely to be frolicking at a music concert or festival, taking a stroll on the BeltLine, or brunching hard at a local Atlanta restaurant. Stephanie is our #WCW because she encompasses an exceptional sense of leadership, passion, and drive. Showcasing qualities of being a great role model, Stephanie is determined to blossom and grow in all areas of her life.

1. What's your story? What makes you unique?
Where do I start? One thing that is interesting about me is that I love love love social media. I pretty much have an account on most social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Vine, Periscope and Tumblr. I just enjoy being connected to other people and like being up-to-date with what’s going on in the world. It’s kind of nerdy, but I also love watching how these platforms evolve over time to accommodate the needs and wants of social media users.
I am also a HUGE history nerd, which is why I am such an avid fan of Hamilton the musical. History + hip hop = major key. Everyone should definitely take a listen, and if you ever have the chance to see it live, do so – I’m going in December!

2. What motivates you?
A lot of things do! Life motivates me, and the constant desire to learn and improve myself. Most of all, I think people who are always doing something to better themselves – they make me better too. That’s why I surround myself with friends who are just as ambitious and driven as me.
3. Who is a hero of yours?
The amazing Notorious RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg)! She is incredibly sharp and serves as an amazing role model for feminists. She’s spent her life serving as an advocate for women’s rights and equality, and has killed it during her tenure as a Supreme Court Judge. The best part of all is that she’s feisty, funny, and quick-witted. She’s been heavily honored and recognized, having been named one of Forbe’s 100 Most Powerful Women, one of Glamour’s Women of the Year 2012, and one of Time’s Time 100. She even has a species of praying mantis named after her (llomantis ginsburgae)! Goals for sure.
4. Give us a road map of your career. How did you get to where you are today?

I went to the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!) and got degrees in public relations and communication studies. I also earned my certificates in new media and interdisciplinary writing, while I was there. I knew that I wanted to be at a public relations agency after graduation because it would give me the most experience in a short amount of time. I ended up getting an internship at my dream agency, Porter Novelli (still fangirling)! However, instead of being an account management intern, I worked in digital, analytics and research. I found a passion for numbers and ended up as an full-time analyst! Now I spend my time helping to build out measurement and evaluation frameworks for our clients, as well as lurking on social media conversation.
5. What's your future plan? Your goals?
I love what I do, and want to continue doing it. My plan is to keep learning new things so that I can keep adding value to whatever it is I am involved in. As far as more tangible plans, I definitely want to move around a bit and try living in other places outside of Atlanta. I love traveling and I want to see the world.

6. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?
Do what you can and don’t worry about the rest. We all spend a lot of time feeling anxious about things that are out of our control – for no reason. I’ve learned that it doesn’t help to worry unnecessarily. I just do my best and let the chips fall where they may. It’s worked out so far!

7. What is something you feel strongly about (a cause, belief, etc.)?
Women’s equality and empowerment – in all areas, including the workplace, politics, representation in media, education, etc. It’s something I’ve been passionate about for a long time! I even did my Extended Essay in high school on women and the wage gap! All of my heroes are bad***** who’ve paved the way for young women like me to feel like I can achieve whatever I want. I especially think it’s important for our next generation of young girls to have strong female role models to look up to. We’re getting there, but we have a long way to go.
8. What's one of the coolest things you've ever done?
I had the chance to study abroad in Costa Rica when I was in college, and got to do so many amazing things while I was there. One day, we zip lined through the Monteverde Cloud Forest in the POURING rain. We couldn’t see anything but fog and tree tops, and there was mud EVERYWHERE. We also got to hold monkeys, chill with some sloths, hang out with the locals, hike some amazing waterfalls, surf the waves, and go white water rafting in the Pacuare River.

If you would like to reach out to Stephanie Pham for mentoring/networking opportunities, you can reach her HERE.