Smile more.

Brittany Arnold is a UGA grad pursuing her Masters in Nursing at Augusta University. She is our #WCW because her work in the healthcare field brings her joy which she shares by wearing her smile.
1. What's your story? What makes you unique?
My name is Brittany Arnold, and I'm a 23-year-old graduate student from Roswell, GA. I love all things ice cream, Grey's Anatomy, and outdoors! And if you know that, you probably know 99% of what you need to know about me. I am currently in school getting my Masters in Nursing at Augusta University; counting down the months until graduation in December, while also taking in every bit of knowledge I can before stepping out into what my friends refer to as the "real world."
2. What motivates you?
Today I'm most motivated by the many sick patients in the hospital who never stop fighting. The doctors, labs, and diagnoses might end in negative results, but the patients don't let that determine their fate. Their attitude, kindness, and joy shine through it all. They keep fighting and smiling as they do. They remind me that it's never as bad as it seems, and a smile can make any day. The little things in life will always matter and no one gets that better than them.

3. Who is a hero of yours?
If you asked me today who my hero is I'd have to say my best friend Teresa. There is something so powerful and inspiring about this girl who has been dealt a harsh hand in life, and yet still finds a way to be joyful through it all. More than anyone else, Teresa lives up to the phrase, "beautiful girl, you can do hard things." She is my prayer warrior, travel buddy, and food loving gal. So today, and everyday, I'd say Teresa.
4. Give us a road map of your career. How did you get to where you are today?
I studied Marketing at UGA, and am now pursuing my Masters in Nursing at Augusta University. So, as you can imagine, I often get this question. I have always known that I wanted to be in healthcare field but never knew in what capacity until I heard about Augusta University's Clinical Nurse Leader Program. Through the program I can train to become a nurse and pursue various nurse management opportunities all while working. At the end of the day, I love the healthcare field for all the variety it offers and meaning it brings to my life.

5. What's your future plan? Your goals?
My short term goal is simply to make it out of school alive (which is seemingly more and more impossible these days). After graduation I'd love to move to a new city (like New York or Austin) and work at a hospital in the emergency department. After a few years practicing as a nurse, I would then use that experience to transition into a management role. Eventually, I would love to run a hospital, but I recognize I've got a long time until that happens. So for now, I am just focusing on learning to be the best nurse I can be.
6. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?
Smile more.
7. What is something you feel strongly about (a cause, belief, etc.)?
Jesus! Unreal Savior and friend all in one. Much of what we see in the hospital on a day to day doesn't make sense. The tears, diseases, and worst of all death, it’s dark to say the least. But I'm lucky to believe and hope in a healer as good as Him. It brings joy and peace to one of the darkest places for most people.
8. What's one of the coolest things you've ever done?
Dog sledding in Alaska! I went this past April during my spring break, and it was everything I'd hoped for and more. There are very few places on earth that are this beautiful. It's a must see for sure!