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Doing what she loves with who she loves.

PJ Turrentine is an entrepreneur who started Awe Wines with her fiancé. She is our #WCW because of her perseverance after moving away from her NC home to make a name for herself in Napa, CA.

1. What's your story? What makes you unique?

I moved to Napa Valley, California two weeks after I graduated from The University of Georgia to live with my sister and learn about wine country. I was unsure and nervous about moving across the country without a solid plan or direction with my career. Within two weeks, I met my soon to be husband, was completely intrigued with the wine world and excited to explore the unknown! I am constantly learning new things about wine everyday.

2. What motivates you?

Positive people, passion and creativity.

3. Who is a hero of yours?

My mom - she is such a strong, independent woman. She has always encouraged me to give it all I've got, stay positive and be kind.

4. Give us a road map of your career. How did you get to where you are today?

When I moved to Napa, I started off working for a small wine brand and was inspired to start a wine label with my fiancé, Travis Awe, who, lucky for us, happens to be an amazing winemaker. The company we have started will be called Awe Wines and there will be only 65 cases released in October to mailing list members. It's in the very beginning stages and a very small operation, but I am ecstatic about the Oregon Pinot Noir and showing our friends what Travis can do! Currently, I am working at Amorim Cork America in sales where my bosses inspire and challenge me everyday to grow to my full potential. I would like to continue working for them for a very long time.

5. What's your future plan? Your goals?

My goal is to have a long, happy marriage, keep up life-long friendships and continue to enjoy what I do. Life's too short to not be excited about your day-to-day. Eventually, I would like to start a few small businesses in my lifetime. There are too many cool crafts out there to give only one a shot!

6. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?

Always stay positive but communicate what you feel 100% of the time. No one can read your mind, and life is a lot easier in the workplace and at home if you articulate your thoughts. Don't be afraid to voice difference of opinion as well, just stay open-minded and respect other viewpoints.

7. What is something you feel strongly about (a cause, belief, etc.)?

The lack of access to education on nutrition and food deserts in America. The laissez faire regulations for large food corporations is another big problem. The large food companies that market things as "healthy" that actually have very little nutritional value for consumers are a big pet peeve of mine. Also, the environment - using/buying local and sustainable products is very important to me. You vote with your fork!

8. What's one of the coolest things you've ever done?

Completely fallen in love. Sounds cheesy, but so true.

Photo by: Summer Kitchens @ Plumlily Photography

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